
If any of the following lectures seems interesting to repeat in an other context, it is perfectly fine to contact the lecturer and discuss it. Phone and email is found under the headline Contact.

The Strength of Codesign: Citizens as Community Builders. Jenny Stenberg. Poster and workshop presentation at the InContext Final Conference & Informed Cities Forum in Berlin, Germany, 6-7 June 2013. Download.

The Strength of Codesign: Citizens as Community Builders. Jenny Stenberg. Presentation at the ASPIS conference in Ghent, Belgium, 15 Nov 2012. Download.

Urban empowerment – action research, field based higher education and community outreach in a multi-ethnic suburb. Jenny Stenberg. Lecture in the master course Social inclusion in design and planning, 5 Nov 2012. Download.

Citizen Participation in Planning. Interplace Planning – Theory and Practice: Partnership and Participation in Transformation of Multicultural Neighbourhoods. Jenny Stenberg. Lecture in the master course Social inclusion in design and planning, 5 Nov 2012. Download.

Cities as nodes for global governance or battlefields for social conflicts? The role of dialogue in social sustainability. Hans Abrahamsson. Presentation under IFHP kongressen i Göteborg den 17.9.2012

Dialogue at a crossroads? Pål Castell. Presentation at the 56th IFHP World Congress in Gothenburg, The Inclusive City, 16-19 Sep 2012. Download.

Citizen dialogues and the inclusive city. Nazem Tahvilzadeh. Presentation at the 56th IFHP World Congress in Gothenburg, The Inclusive City, 16-19 Sep 2012. Download.

Urban empowerment through field based higher education in a multi-ethnic local community. Jenny Stenberg. Speaker at the EUPRIO-conference, Gothenburg, 7 Sep 2012, The Social Contract between Universities and Society – Involving the Community. Download.

In what way can research and art intervene in the ever changing city-fabric? Henric Benesch & Emma Corkhill. Presentation at the seminar »The Living Archive« at Valand 27 Oct, 2011.

Intervening in the social imaginary – urban development with dialogue. Henric Benesch & Emma Corkhill. Lecture in the master course Suburbs–design and future challenges, Chalmers Architecture Hammarkullen. 17 Oct, 2011.

Exploring interplace – how citizen initiatives and invited participation can interplay in urban planning. Pål Castell. Presentation in Uppsala 5-6 May 2011 at the international workshop Participation in the context of diversity, conflict & power. Download.

Interventions / Interplaces / Interferences. Henric Benesch. Lecture at Aarhus School of Architecture. 15 March 2011.